Now accepting donations through August 5th

Donate Now

Help a child get a new pair of shoes

”We can't help everyone... But everyone can help someone.”

- Dr. Loretta Scott

Every donation counts, and by giving just a little, we can make a big difference in the lives of these children. Join us in the shoe drive and help change a child's life!

Additionally, having a pair of shoes that fit properly can boost a child's self-esteem and confidence, allowing them to focus on their education and social development. Donating shoes to these communities not only helps meet a practical need but also sends a message of support and care to the children, showing them that they are not forgotten.

By donating, you can provide these children with a basic necessity that they may otherwise go without.

Where to donate

Houston Office

(832) 582-5758

Clear Lake Office

(281) 339-7442

Pasadena Office

(832) 243-4774

If you would like to donate a pair of new shoes we have 3 office locations accepting donations

Please call in advance to arrange donation drop off time

Gourmet Popcorn Fundraiser

Get ready to make a difference, one kernel at a time! We are excited to announce our latest fundraiser – Double Good Gourmet Popcorn!

Join us in raising funds for our yearly events such as our toy drive, career day events, and other initiatives to support our community. With every purchase of popcorn, your donation goes toward supporting our foundation's mission of making a positive impact in our community, plus you receive a delicious treat!

Ready to make a difference? Click on the "Donate Now" button below to get your bag of gourmet popcorn!

Get your popcorn today and help us make this fundraiser a success!